Defining the Front End Offer of a Membership Website.

Most terms used by marketers are just big words that have no special meaning. Such terms include upselling and frontend or backend offers.

Talking about front end offer simply means the first thing you see in the website before buying. It may include an e-book or a video course.

The second thing is a back end offer. The ancient frontend – backend model consists of buying an e-book from front end and then upselling to a membership site on the backend.

The question that many people ask is whether having a frontend or backend membership site offer a good idea for your online business. My honest opinion to this question is that it’s better to have a frontend membership deal then sell it as a membership instead of selling as an upsell. Considering the latest market regulation, selling the membership site upfront is workable and will be determined by factors such as its position in search engine ranking and how it is marketed to the targeted niche.

Not believing in your membership site or not striving to get enough people to visit and buy into your offer may be the cause of trouble in selling because nobody has any idea that your site does exist. Everyone strives to have what is missing with others. Setting up membership site doesn’t have to be discounted, which means it is not necessary for you to justify your price for the membership by considering the cost of getting something similar.

An example is that of having a webinar training course which has all the extra lessons and for it to be offered in other places, people had to join some other three different membership sites. This was done by creating 100 PowerPoint designs by hand and making it a special offer. Getting the extra 100 PowerPoint designs would only be worth if the cost of getting to the site wasn’t enough to cover the expenses and by offering the PowerPoint designs as a special offer, you will have given you visitors a great deal by either adding an extra value or adding a special bonus without having to reduce the cost of accessing the webinar or offering any discounting.

It is very possible to change some bad aspects of your website into a good thing. An example of changing any bad image about your site to a selling point is by pricing your membership site high which means most competitors are unable join it. Having a monthly site that has ads increasing will be an advantage to competitors. Its giving them an advantage of not signing to your site monthly.

Frontend offers for your websites need not be technical or complicated as the description may sound. All that is important is that you simply sell your website without bothering to convert the site into an upsell each time. You can always package your site as a deal and convert any limiting terms or conditions into beneficial terms in the eyes of your site members

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