Why should I create a fixed term membership site?

If you are thinking about creating about a membership site and you definitely should, I think membership site should be a fixed term membership site. Meaning that the membership has an end date.

Why would you do this?
Because it requires less set and maintenance the content ends up being a lot better and it is a system you can tweak between your delivery and your sales letter. When you create a fixed term membership site there is a lot less setup. All you need is 6 months or so of content schedule it out rearrange stuff and then it is done. You will have to do a lot in terms of updating that content once it has already been established. Your membership site would have a very definite content generation stage and once that is done. You can just do 100% marketing of that membership site, it also keeps the content very new and fresh because you are not trying to grasp a straw and not always think of something new every month you have a 6 month training course there is a very clear beginning and end. You could very easily cut up each of those 6 months into the 6 lessons and give somebody the basic lessons first and the more advanced lessons later. In a regular membership site it is not very clear if you want to give advanced stuff first or in what order things should be what happens if someone joins late. it is a mess but with a fixed term site it is like a university course. You start up with the introductory stuff get into the advanced stuff and then they graduate more over if someone is almost finished with the site, they have a lot more reason to stay because they are almost having almost finished that course.

And finally it is easily to tweak later on, when you have all this content scheduled and you want to have a new video you can figure out exactly where in this sequence to place it. In an old style membership site you might just put it at the end and your content, your training will not necessarily follow a particular order but now it does. If you want to move things around and make come after another make the membership site last 12 months or 6 weeks you can easily delete change that and when you advertise the site. When write the sales letter and you layout the lessons you can very easily layout in month 1 you this, month 2 you get that and so on.

So you definitely should create a fixed term membership site because it requires less setup and maintenance the content is better and it is something fairly easy for you to tweak and in the future. Setup a fixed term membership site using free membership software right now.

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Why don’t people use my membership site?

So you have launched your very own membership site, people join in but why aren’t they participating? Why aren’t they taking action?

Chances are you have left out a few key ingredients but it is okay, we are going to discover those ingredients, apply them to a few membership site and get more participation in the next few days add personality such as a welcome video to your site. Announce posts and bonuses ahead of time and actually be there in one form or another.

How do you add personality to your membership site?
The easiest way is a welcome video when you talk to your members, when you welcome them to your site. Even when you write a text about what kind of posters are, don’t be overly professional. You are a person, they are a person. Talk to them as if you are talking to them on the phone. Every now and then if you want to report an audio message to members what is going on. Do it but have your personality and show me a person not some faceless company. When you make new posts and make new bonuses announce them ahead of time. Tell people what is coming down the pipeline, tell people what is going to be in the first month of the membership site in the next week and why then watching it and why then commenting on those posts make the membership site better for them. You do need to convince people to comment and post if it is true.

Finally actually be in your membership site in some form if you remember website is a blog; you should comment too if people asks questions and comments. Post comments under them answering the question, it might seem like a lot of work but it is really not, just be there in some form. I can’t tell you how many membership sites I have joined where I came in the membership site and the person who offered me the service was nowhere to be found. I had no idea that the membership was created a year ago or 5 years ago.

But I felt all alone, you should not make your members feel alone. There should be a community of some kind in your membership site whether that is with your personality if that is with new bonuses coming out. or even with the user interaction have some kind of person to person interaction inside that membership site. That is probably why you don’t have as much participation in your site as you want. There is not enough personality to welcome video there is not enough announcements of things coming soon and there is not enough of you in there. Fix those 3 things and let me know if you get more participation in your membership site.

Uncover the secrets of making a membership site that is not just filled with participants and filled with buyers, but it is profitable and fun for you as well, enter your name and email address right now to find out much more.

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Why don’t people want to join my membership site?

Let us say you have a membership site established where you are having a real difficult time getting people to join that site.

What is the reason?

It could be a number of things but the reason is probably because of lack of credibility, lack of proof and lack of details. If I read the sales letter promoting your membership site and I don’t know who you are or why to listen to you.

What is the point if I don’t see your name?
If I don’t see your picture and you don’t tell me why you are so important and why your information is so important?

Then what is the point, so at the very least have your name and photo on your membership site and in your introduction explain.

Why you are the authority on what ever solution you are presenting?

While you are doing that also present proof, it is one thing for you to tell me why I should listen to you. Now prove it. Show me testimonials from other happy customers about what your service or your membership site did for them and show the full name and full URL of each person. Show that person’s picture explain more detailed case studies about how some particular person who is real joined your site, got some problem solved and what was the outcome of that? Have proof and have case studies, and finally be specific about your service. It is the worst thing ever to read a sales letter and not know what it is about. Tell me why your membership site is so great, tell me why it is better than somebody else’s membership site. Tell me why I should join right now instead of waiting a week or two get excited yourself and get me excited to all the details and all the golden nuggets I am going to uncover inside your membership site.

Apply those 3 things credibility, proof and details to your membership site sales letter and see if that boosts response. Find out how to market your membership site, find out how to create content, find out how to set up your membership site with all the right plugins and get a flood of members.
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What payment processor should I use for my membership sites?

Believe it or not, you can’t simply create a webpage and magically take credit card payments when you want somebody should join your one time or recurring membership site. You have to use an additional service that will take credit card payments for you and tell your membership software that you need to let somebody into your site. But which one should you use it seems like there are a hundreds and there are new payment processors popping up everyday so which ones should you use?

I prefer to use Paypal for simple payments, clickbank for affiliate payments and one shopping cart if I wanted to have a merchant account. Let us talk about each of 3, in my opinion Paypal is one of the easier payment processors to use because you don’t have to go through a lot of hoops just to get established. You do need to create a paypal account but people can click a button and can either pay you through their Paypal account or enter in their credit card details. Paypal processes the transaction and puts the money into your account and then it is unto you to figure out how to get paid and if you want to get paid from a cheque or direct deposit but the money goes through paypal. You do not actually have to create a merchant account, they do it for you.

And you can create a payment on a moment’s notice and you’re not restricted about what kind of things you sell; for example when you create a merchant account, you have to establish what type of business you have, if you want to have a seminar business you have to say in your merchant account that you are a seminar offline business and then if you want to take payments for ebooks. Guess what you need to create a different merchant account kind of inconvenient right?

With Paypal we simply take payments, the only fault with Paypal is that you do not have an affiliate program for this I use ClickBank, ClickBank has a built in affiliate program, so if you sell something using a click bank payment processor. Anybody else can sign up as an affiliate refer people and get paid a commission the great thing about ClickBank is that, they get paid and they pay out affiliates before you even get paid so they deal with all the tax issues that is completely out of your hair. The only downside to ClickBank is they are very generous with their refund policy therefore I only take some payments on ClickBank only those when I want to have some affiliates. If your membership business really takes off and you want to have lower fees, more controls and advanced features, such as One Click upsets or email lead tagging then I recommend One Shopping Cart. One Shopping Cart is great because they combine an auto responder with a shopping cart so you can run basically your business from one central location. And that is the payment processor you should use for your membership site just starting off use PayPal for your membership site. If you want to have an affiliate program then create a ClickBank account as well then in the future, if your business really takes off. Use the One Shopping Cart service.

Now that you know how take payments, Let us go setup the rest of the membership site, just enter your name and email address below.

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What are the usual membership site mistakes ?

If you have made a mistake in something chances are a lot of people have already made the same mistakes before you. But the reason why you made the mistake is because you never heard about it and history repeated itself. I want you to avoid membership site mistakes. I want you to launch a membership site, make it profitable and keep making membership sites forever because membership sites for me are the easiest way to make money. Here are 3 very important membership site mistakes for you to avoid right now.

Pricing too low, not marketing enough and choosing the wrong niche.

How can you price too low?

This idea goes over many peoples heads because pricing too low attracts the wrong customers it attracts impulse buy customers and cheesy customers not the good ones that you want. Pricing low does not guarantee everyone is going to buy-in your membership site. In fact many times when I have doubled my price I have increased my sales. Kind of counter intuitive isn’t it but it is true instead of pricing low, price high and mortgage yourself better. Believe in yourself more promote in yourself more and write a better sales letter to convince people that this higher price is worth much more than they are going to pay, they get much more out of the membership site than they put in.

Speaking of marketing are you getting enough traffic?
Do you have new people letting in your list everyday?
Are you paying for traffic?

If you answered no to any of those questions then you are not marketing your site enough and we have all fallen into that trap. It is so easy to create a new membership site to make new products instead of marketing the site you already have, but you are you going to get more money for your effort, if you market the stuff that you already have.

Get yourself out there, always you making new joint venture connections, always be getting new people on your list and always have new sources of traffic. The final membership site mistake is a flaw in the membership site itself.

Did you choose the wrong niche?
Did you choose a niche such as coupon-ing where people are just not willing to pay money to get access to coupons. You choose a niche that you are not allowed to do business in such as gambling because of regulations or did you choose a niche that is not ongoing for example to treat someone’s yeast infection, once they have solved that problem no ones is going to want to pay a monthly fee to get more training, the problem has been solved. A better membership site might be the guitar niche you can always get more guitar instruction and there is always new songs to learn, new techniques to learn. New types of guitars to learn, new equipment to learn that is an example of a great niche that is always ongoing.

I hope that it helped you today to avoid the most common membership site mistakes that occur over and over again. Pricing too low, not marketing enough and choosing the wrong niche.

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What are some real quick and easy membership site pointers?

If you are stuck creating your first membership site or your member site isn’t going the way you would have hoped. Maybe you need some course correction, if that is the case then I am the guy you need to listen to and fix a few things in your membership site.

What should you fix?

First of all don’t announce something until you have it ready. Schedule before and after posts, and get 2 new members for everyone 1 member you lose, what does it mean to only announce something if you have it ready?

Think about a company like Microsoft®, they will announce the next version of Windows® 2 or 3 years before it will ready. At that point they have barely worked on it at all and then what happens is, they are not very clear about, what new things are going to be in that version of Windows ® because they have not created it yet. They end up changing the name and pushing the date back, this is important you might have seen internet marketeers launch products and keep pushing the launch date back further and further. The reason for this is because they don’t have the product ready yet. Have your product ready first and then start promoting it, you are going to have the first version of your products ready. Start promoting it and then add additions to it later on but definitely only announce something if you could it launch it tomorrow if you had to this avoids you spending all your time and all your energy on the promotion and then have nothing to show for it. This way you have something to show and it will launch on time no matter what, next schedule before and after polls. What are before and after posts?

If you post some kind of new video for your site, tell people on day 4 what the video will be about or what they need to know before seeing the video? Or even what kind of question they should have in mind for example if you are telling somebody in a video about why it is important to have an affiliate program the day before ask them, do you have an affiliate program? If you had an affiliate program

What would be the offer?
What would be your commission?
What would be the recurring commission?

This way they are prepared when the real concept comes online and finally you are always going to have dropouts in your membership site. It is just going to happen, when you lose one member figure out how we are doing to get 2 more members. When you see one person drop think about it.
Are you going to send a new email?
Are you going to conduct a new guest interview?
Are we going to buy ad space?
How are you going to replace not just member dropping out of your membership site but get a brand new second member as well?

Those are my quick membership site pointers for you only announce something if it is somewhat ready if you could launch it tomorrow if we have to schedule before and after posts, for important conferences, so you prepare for the post and they could review that post and get 2 new members for every one member you lose.

Create your very own membership site, and establish recurring income today, just enter your name and email address below.

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How much content should I really have before launching my membership site?

Stop worrying about how much content you need in your membership site right now. You only need to keep in mind these things, stay ahead of your first subscriber, don’t create more than a couple of months worth of content and when you do create content do it in large batches. There is nothing worse than telling yourself, writing tons and tons of articles, making videos and making articles of audios and creating 6 months or a year’s worth of information only to launch a membership site and have it completely flawed. Now all that work you did was nothing instead of setting yourself up failure, only create as much content as you need.

Could you theoretically launch a membership site only with a week or two worth of content?

Yes, you can because you can create a membership site with just the barebones, launch it and see if anyone joins and people do join to stay ahead of those early adopters. So create a little bit of content now and stay ahead of your first subscriber, your earliest subscriber. This way you don’t create tons and tons you don’t create whole set of years worth of content. You don’t put in all the extra effort and it is better this way because you can course correct based on what people like or don’t like. What questions people have and the reason people give you for.

What got them to buy on the first place?
It is usually not the same thing you get. It is usually the thing that you get in your site that excites them the most is not the thing that you think. When you are making this content, how do you make sure that you are not always rushing to just barely meet the deadline.

Once you have these members and you’re ahead of these first subscribers, how do you keep membership sites from becoming a chore?

The answer to that is to create your content in large batches. If you are going to write one blog post per week, write 3 at a time, that way we can sit down and now you have 3 weeks free. If you are going to record a short video to buy one week at a time, record 3 back to back, schedule them and then you have the next 3 weeks up. So when you are creating content, stay ahead of first subscriber, only create a couple of months worth of content and when you do create content don’t make just one or two things, make at least 3 audios, videos or articles at a time.

I want to divulge to you all of my best secrets of creating content, creating a membership site and filling up that membership site with paying members.

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How do I turn a single payment site into a recurring membership site?

If you already have a membership site and you just take one payment you might be wondering how to get, so people pay you every single month for you content. Or it’s possible you don’t even have a membership site setup yet but you will soon and you want to know, what is the easiest way to schedule a bunch of content and setup your membership site so that people will pay you month after month.

Here is exactly what you do, you start off with a single payment membership site split it into two payments and let those early buyers into the additional content for free and then split it up even more payments.

Why should you start with a single payment membership site?

Because it is the easiest and fastest for you to finish. Most people who start membership sites simply do not finish them you are better than that. So make your side make the first week or two worth of content and put it in a site, where people pay one single payment. I don’t know what is so scary and daunting to make a $20 per month membership site.

But what about a site that only costs $20 one time to join, now the pressure is off now it is pretty easy to make a site like that. So all you have do is take that site at $20 per site and add more to it. Add enough to it so it would be worth $40 to join. It would be worth twice as much to join. So if you already have 4 videos in there now you have 8 videos. Now you have double the stuff now you have prices that is double but because you are a nice guy you are not going to be charging $40. You are going to be charging 2 payments of $20 spaced one month apart and you need to post half of the content per month one and half of the content during month two.

Now people get $40 worth of information and they pay two payments of $20, now what you are going to do is allow those initial buyers who just paid you the $20 for the entire access give them access to the second month for free that way you are rewarding people who join early. And then simply repeat the process, add in month 3, add in month 4 and anyone who is already bought in gets access to that.

But anybody who is brand new has to pay the 4 payments of $20 to get to month 4 the fixed payments of $20, month 6 and so on. So what this does is that it allows you to start off, test the market and finish and keep what you have shippable that way you can launch the simplest membership site possible add to it, add to it, add to it. While you are rewarding people who bought early and always be increasing the price and that is how you turn a single payment site into a recurring site. Start with single payment site turn it into a two pay site and then change it over to a 2,4,6 or even a 8 month membership site and now you have a new recurring stream of income.

Do you want to see it step by step? How to accomplish what we explained today? I bet you do. Enter your name and email address below right now to find out more.

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What Should Be My Cancellation Continuous Content And Update Policy

Any membership site, people are going to be able to either stay in for longer or simply drop out, and I have people asking me if people drop out, what kind of access should remain?

And here’s my philosophy: If somebody cancels, they’re kicked out; if they make all payments, they’re in for life and they continue to get updates for life as long as they’re in good standing.

I know you might be tempted to be the nice guy and set up your membership site so that when somebody leaves your site, they still would access to the items they paid for. But the real world does not work like this.

If you’re taking a university course and only paid for half and then dropped the class, you can no longer go back to the class. All you have is the notes that you took from being in that class. If you buy a car and pay for half the car but then stop making payments, you don’t get the key that half of the car you already paid for; you lose the car. So it makes it very easy for you to manage your membership site if somebody is completely kicked out when they cancel. After all, if you provided any kind of downloads which I don’t recommend you do on every single post, but every now and then if you provide downloads, people already have something to take away from that class even after they have canceled.

Having this kind of cancellation policy at first seems harsh, but you can transform this into a selling point by explaining the following. If somebody makes all the payments for your membership site, they’re in for life. So if you have a six-month membership site, and somebody pays only five months then cancels, they have nothing—they’re out.

But if they make all six months’ worth of payments, now they’re in forever and they can come back to the site years from now and still get access to everything.

Why is this so important? Because when somebody’s approaching the end of your membership course, they feel like they’ve gotten most of the stuff, right? If they are in month 5 of 6, how much more impressive and (2:40) changing items are available in that last month. Hard to say. But if you make it a feature where at the end of six months they’re in forever then that added to changes, “Well, I’ve been here for five months.” I may answer, “Why out to that final month?” to get lifetime access. And the good thing about this is that lifetime access can mean quite a bit especially if you provide updates. If somebody for five months they cancel and you update a video or a port even a piece of software, they don’t get it, because they only paid for five months.

But if they pay for six months and a year from now, if something breaks and you fix it, you release a new version then it was very worth while for somebody to stay in for all six months.

Your cancellation policy should be the following: If they cancel, they’re kicked out; if they make all payments, they’re in for life; and if they are in for life, they get lifetime updates to that particular membership site.

Now that you understand the strategy of membership sites, let’s get to how to at www.membershipcube.com.

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How Easy Or Hard Should It Be For Members To Cancel

When you create a monthly membership site, people are always going to be able to cancel it. That’s just a simple fact. They are not your prisoner when they join your site.  That’s part of the appeal of a membership site that people who join don’t necessarily have to stay in for a year or even to the completion of your course. They’re always going to be able to drop out of that membership site and not have access any longer but also not have to pay you any longer.

So how easy or hard should it be for your members to cancel? My philosophy is to make it easy for them to cancel, encourage them to stay but be upfront and be honest with what happens if they cancel.

So why should you make it easy for somebody to cancel your membership site?

The simple answer is you don’t want chargebacks over complaints. Even if somebody asks you to cancel or asks for a refund, they can always go over your head to your payment processor such as PayPal and leave a complaint with you. If that doesn’t work, they can even go over PayPal’s head and go over their bank or credit card company and do what’s called a chargeback and forcefully cancel this subscription and get their money back. So make it easy for somebody to get out of your membership site because it’s better for you in a long run; it’s not worth hanging on to that $20 just to get one bad mention.

So what do you do instead? Be a normal person. Encourage people to stay. Give them a reason to stay and show why it’s more valuable for them to stay. Have a list of stuff that’s coming up in the next week and the next month so that they don’t have to think about years or months in the future; they only have to think about a few days or weeks ahead of time.

Finally, be upfront about what people are going to lose if they cancel or even better, what they gain when they stay and finish. My favorite for this is if they cancel their membership, they no longer have access to any of the content—that’s fair. But if they stay until the completion of the course, if they graduate, they get access to all the videos for lifetime with no further payments.

I even have some courses where if they finish the whole course, they get a bonus call just for staying in. And it seems like not a lot of extra stuff on your ends but many people who are in your membership site want to get the complete experience—the complete package. They want to graduate so why not make it appealing to them.

And that’s how easy it should be for members to cancel. Make it a simple process if you don’t want complaints, chargebacks or bad publicity but give them a reason to stay; tell them what’s coming up and tell them what they stand to lose if they drop out. I think if you combine those three things, you’ll be able to keep many more people in your membership site than you have right now.

Create a membership site, fill it with content, and market it. Find out everything you need to know right now at www.membershipcube.com.

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