What to Launch: A Physical Seminar or an Online Membership Site?

When you have authority in a niche, a message to deliver or some sort of expertise, you must find a way to share it with other people. Now, how could you do that? Should you host a physical seminar in a hotel room or create a digital membership site? This remains to be seen after measuring the pros and cons stated below.

A physical seminar gives you a lot of authority and is good for the ego. It offers instant credibility because it is a real event that takes place in the real world. However, in order to do this, you must have a serious sum of money. You must pay for the hotel conference room, a camera and the person who handles it, you must personally fly to the location of the seminar and book the room that will be used and you must find a way to make people to come to your seminar. These things take both time and money. Besides, if nobody comes to your seminar, you might look like a person who has no authority and this might affect your ego.

Having a physical seminar is both stressful and expensive because there are many costs, people might not come to your event or they might find it boring and leave. Also, it is a very exhausting experience as you might be the only presenter and you might have to present all day long for one, two or more days. So, remember: a seminar is expensive, stressful, scary and exhausting.

An online membership site, on the other hand, is less costly. There’s no room to be booked and no travel costs. The only things to be paid are web hosting and software. The problem with a membership site is that it may take a while to get the same number of subscribers that you would get at a physical seminar.

If you’re new at membership sites, it might take a while to start off. Also, a membership site may require more work or the same amount of work stretched on an extended period of time. The site is not a one-time event and it must be maintained regularly in order to get new people buying. The best advantage when it comes to membership sites is that they can be automated. You can use an automatic follow-up sequence, set up a pay-per-click account and automate both traffic and marketing. You can also use a sales settler that is online for 24 h a day and have the money pour in no time.

So, after reviewing both the pros and cons of membership sites and physical seminars, you must know that both solutions are good for you. Plan on doing an online membership site now and a physical seminar later if that’s what suits you. No matter what, choose the easier thing first. Create a membership site first because it is cheaper and can be automated. Then, take care of your physical seminar.

Choose to avoid making more mistakes and get your own membership site created by 5 o’clock this evening at: http://www.membershipcube.com

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