One Big Membership Site or Many Small Ones?

When setting up your membership site you may not be sure of whether to tackle each and every problem or whether to handle only one problem. The big debate is whether to have one big membership site or many small ones.

Usually when I am creating a site for one-off products I prefer to have one solution for one problem. However, the dynamics are different when it comes to creating a membership site especially in cases where you are offering various options like upsells. This requires that people log in to the various membership sites.

Most of the membership software available, for example Wishlist Member, is advantageous in that if a person has an existing account they can upgrade their level of membership. This means that by clicking on a special link the person can have an extra level added to their account without having to get another account. It is for this reason that I recommend that if you have a recurring membership site you should create only one membership site per each sub-niche that you have.

You may be wondering what a sub-niche is; this is simply a niche that is found within another niche. What this means is that I use the space I have wisely by making sure that I do not waste it. For example, instead of having a membership site that deals exclusively on internet marketing, I would have a membership site that deals with list building. By doing this people in the membership site can use the same site if I have upsells about list building. This means that I would have enough content in the site to charge a monthly fee of up to $97 to those willing to be members of the site. Use one membership site per sub-niche.

However, having one membership site that caters for all that you have to offer has its limitations such as it makes it more difficult to navigate in it. For instance, I am also involved in programming which means I deal with PHP, WordPress and JavaScript. It would not be practical to have one membership site for all elements of programming. This means that I would have a membership site for PHP, another for WordPress and another one for JavaScript. When you have a site that is too big it becomes difficult to explain it as well as to make an elevator pitch for it. The trick is to have a site that is sufficiently big for you to be able to have multiple products that will allow you to charge a recurring monthly fee but which is still small enough for you to be able to give an elevator pitch.

When you have drip content it is advisable to have a specific site then have lessons for the respective weeks in consecutive order. It would be very confusing if the site has multiple products as the information given would be too much which would overwhelm the people using it.

These guidelines are important and worth considering when you have to decide on whether to have a single big membership site or to have many small ones. After settling on a niche you should work towards having a membership site for each sub-niche which is not too big until people are unable to navigate in it neither too small which would require people to join many sites.

With this knowledge go ahead and create your own membership site by clicking on

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