Personalize Your Membership Offers

You probably learnt by now that you must be special on the internet. If you’re not standing out from the crowd, you won’t be happy with the results you get. You have to make yourself a bit more special, a bit more exclusive and a bit more customized towards a particular group.

Maybe you have wondered how to present some kind of special offer for your membership site on a forum, to your list or to someone else’s list. There are some easy ways to do it. One of them is to give a certain group an additional bonus in order to deliver the content faster or to give them multiple bonuses so that it’s a completely different offer from the one the general public gets. An additional bonus is very easy to do by creating a new membership level, adding a new post with a special bonus and giving only that new membership level access. You also must set the membership level based on what the new community is. For example, if you’re making an offer to say the rider form, make a level called riders and then create a bonus video for your rider members and call it riders; then make your payment button and send them to that particular level after they buy.

The best choice when it comes to special bonuses for a particular crowd is a one-hour webinar just answering questions. This is incredibly easy because you can get customers for that even before you have created the bonus, and, besides this, the bonus is 100% customized because it is based on users’ questions. All you must do is answer their questions, not thinking about the content yourself. What you do not want to do is compete based on price. It is not normal for people to give discounts for particular groups because it creates too many problems. There are people who already bought from you and asked you for a refund of the difference and, there are people whoa are asking you to open it up a little longer so they can have a discount as well, and this just makes your customers to pay less than usual. You should make your customers pay more.

What do you think about this alternative? Instead of charging less, charge the same sum, but deliver the content faster. If your content reaches a client in a week’s time, instead of cutting the price, try delivering the content faster at the same price or cutting the trial period.

Finally, it is not necessary to add just one bonus; add multiple ones! What if instead of offering one video per week as for the rest of the crowd, for rider members you offered two? Just plan it as if you did two videos, but allow video nr. 2 to appear every week only on the rider membership level. It’s quite easy, it’s customized to that group, you don’t need to make a different membership site and it represents double the value for the same price.

I leave you with the thought that you got the general idea about how to customize your membership offer to one group or one person. The thing is to never cut your price, just add more value! Competition must be based on value!

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