Which Plug-in Will Help Me Set Up a Site Filled With PLR Materials

WordPress is arguably the best way you can host your membership site but a problem is presented to you when it comes to choosing the right plug-ins for a particular function from the big array of plug-ins available in WordPress. A membership site is a great way of using any resale rights materials you may have idling on you computer hard disk but which plug-ins do you use in the membership site. Here are three pug-ins that I used on my membership site; these plug-ins are a big convenience and they save me many hours of work each day. The plug-ins is the drip plug-in, the video embedding plug-in and the article posting plug-in.

If you have ever attempted to post more than 50 articles to a blog, then you will know how tedious it is. You have to separately copy the headlines categories the article and copy the body; it is a big inconvenience. Luckily for you, WordPress has a plug-in that you can use to upload a compressed ZIP file full of a large number of articles. The plug-in will then separates the articles and schedules them in order of appearance your blog. This makes posting 40, 90, or even 300 articles look like child play.

What is the work of a video embedding plug-in? Videos are fast and great way of generating content for any membership site. It is as easy as talking in front of the camera and showing this to people not a lot of editing is required here. Making a video is as easy as pie, but a problem shows up when it comes to uploading it into your site. It is even more tedious than posting articles; if you have say 60 videos, you will be required to copy and paste a special code to upload this 60 videos. Using the embedding plug-in however can help you post numerous videos by simply typing in the video’s filename and it is left to the plug-in to figure out what code to embed that will ensure that the video plays properly.

The third useful plug-in is the drip plug-in. Its main task is to schedule the videos and article on the site so that on joining the site, they are gradually fed this content for a much longer time. All you have to do is to save say 2 months worth of content upfront but the drip plug-in will schedule the information such that it trickles to them slowly in the course of the 2 months. This ensures that he members get something new everyday or after every few days hence giving they reason to stay in the site for longer.

The article submission plug-n, drip plug-in and the video embedding plug-n are the three most useful plug-in types you should go for incase you are undecided which WordPress plug-in to use. Go to http://www.membershipcube.com and get numerous free plug-ins and instruction.

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