How do I split test my membership site sales letter?

Instead of trying to make all your stuff perfect the first time around, instead of having the perfect membership site, the perfect sales letter, why not put up something that’s shiftable, that’s sellable, and then improve on it later. The best way to be 100% sure that your sales letter is always improving is with this thing called split testing.

Here is the idea of having split testing. You have two versions of the exact same sales letter. Only one thing is different. So maybe one version has a red headline, one version has a single headline, but it’s blue. So, you have a red headline and a blue headline. You send an equal amount of traffic to the red sales latter, and the blue sales letter and whichever one got more people to buy is the winner and then you change the sales letter to be just the winner. So, if the red headline out-pulled the headline, then you delete the blue version of the sales letter and you’re left with just the red headline. Then you go and test something else, but the idea is that you are limited in the guessing, you’re seeing what it gets more people on average to buy from you, and you’re slowly making more and more money. You’re always getting better over time. That’s all there is to it.

So, how the heck do you split test? Especially, how do you split test a membership site, because it sounds good in theory but you don’t know how to do it unless you know how to do it. The service I recommend is a free service from Google that not allowed people to know about, called Google Website Optimizer. And what you do is you physically create two separate sales letters and you paste in the specific code they tell you to paste in, in what sites, and then Google will tell you when to stop split testing and when you still need more work, and it shows you charts and graphs, pictures, numbers, all the data you need to figure out which split test was the clear winner.

So, what you do is you take your sales letter and I definitely recommend that your sales letter is not part of your WordPress blog, it’s outside of your membership site. And you take it and save a second copy of it. So, if your sales letter is on index on HTML, save index 2.html. And then apply whatever small change, just make one change to index 2. That could be changing the headline, changing the buy button, changing the color somewhere. Just a small change so you can see that that one change made all the difference. And then you go and create a new experiment inside Google Website Optimizer and you give it all the URLs and stuff and then it asks you what’s going to be your original page, your variation page, and your thank you page. Your thank you page is going to be the registration page for that membership level. So, in most membership software like Wishlist member, you can list all the thank you URLs for each membership level, choose that one that is your conversion page. Then, it’s going to say, “Copy and paste this substance.” Then copy and paste this code to your index.html, this one here index 2.html, and this one to your registration page.

So, how the heck do you add the conversion code to your registration page? Well, in most membership software, you can go and set custom code to be below the registration form. So, simply paste the conversion code under the registration form and now, you have two versions of your sales letter and Google will figure out which one to send traffic to. When someone buys, it will log that and tell you which sales letter got you that sale. So, go ahead, test it out. First, test your headline, then test your order button, and that way, you can easily split test your membership site using Google Website Optimizer and Wishlist member

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