How do I turn a single payment site into a recurring membership site?

If you already have a membership site and you just take one payment you might be wondering how to get, so people pay you every single month for you content. Or it’s possible you don’t even have a membership site setup yet but you will soon and you want to know, what is the easiest way to schedule a bunch of content and setup your membership site so that people will pay you month after month.

Here is exactly what you do, you start off with a single payment membership site split it into two payments and let those early buyers into the additional content for free and then split it up even more payments.

Why should you start with a single payment membership site?

Because it is the easiest and fastest for you to finish. Most people who start membership sites simply do not finish them you are better than that. So make your side make the first week or two worth of content and put it in a site, where people pay one single payment. I don’t know what is so scary and daunting to make a $20 per month membership site.

But what about a site that only costs $20 one time to join, now the pressure is off now it is pretty easy to make a site like that. So all you have do is take that site at $20 per site and add more to it. Add enough to it so it would be worth $40 to join. It would be worth twice as much to join. So if you already have 4 videos in there now you have 8 videos. Now you have double the stuff now you have prices that is double but because you are a nice guy you are not going to be charging $40. You are going to be charging 2 payments of $20 spaced one month apart and you need to post half of the content per month one and half of the content during month two.

Now people get $40 worth of information and they pay two payments of $20, now what you are going to do is allow those initial buyers who just paid you the $20 for the entire access give them access to the second month for free that way you are rewarding people who join early. And then simply repeat the process, add in month 3, add in month 4 and anyone who is already bought in gets access to that.

But anybody who is brand new has to pay the 4 payments of $20 to get to month 4 the fixed payments of $20, month 6 and so on. So what this does is that it allows you to start off, test the market and finish and keep what you have shippable that way you can launch the simplest membership site possible add to it, add to it, add to it. While you are rewarding people who bought early and always be increasing the price and that is how you turn a single payment site into a recurring site. Start with single payment site turn it into a two pay site and then change it over to a 2,4,6 or even a 8 month membership site and now you have a new recurring stream of income.

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