How do I use resale rights to pad an existing membership site?

Have you written an ebook and maybe made a video training course and you just don’t think you have enough material to justify a 3 month or 6 month membership site. There is good news, you can use resale rights to pad out the content in your membership site and take something that previously only might have lasted only a month or two and make it extend into 3 to 6 months of training.

It is possible and it is allowed and it is helpful to mix your own content with content you have purchased and have the rights to resell. This includes training you don’t feel like doing big picture training as trained additional training. I will explain to you what that means in a second.

There is always going to be some kind of training that you don’t feel like doing. A while ago I added content to a membership site about list building I talked about the different types of emails to broadcast to your list. The different types of followups scheduled in your auto responder. That was all fun but did I want to show somebody how to set up an aweber account?

How to create a new list?
No. I simply didn’t feel like doing that kind of training it didn’t excite me I didn’t have to go and get aweber account just to make that video. Because I use a different auto responder service. Also didn’t want to have to go through all these tedious steps just to explain what I was talking about.

So what did I do I purchased the resale rights that explains all the simple aweber stuff. How to get an auto-responder going? How to copy picture form code, but not any of the strategy which I thought so if somebody joined the site they got the video in the resale to see the mechanics of setting up a list and then my part of it was to explain the strategy. It is totally okay to purchase resale rights on the same subject you already teach simply because you don’t feel like doing it.

Now this might mean that you are teaching the movie stuff and you don’t want to teach a certain advanced topic or maybe the opposite and that it the second type of resale rights strategy, I would like to use for content and that is the newbie or the big picture training. The auto responder setup was a perfect example, that is something that somebody who is brand new definitely needs to know but cannot skip over but you just might not want to explain. You might be selling a course about forum marketing on to message boards where you explain.

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How to get traffic from forums ?

Fun things like that but you don’t have to explain, how to register for an account? how to make your own post? how to set up signature but if there are rights about go ahead and purchase that newbie training and teach your own stuff and finally you can buy resale rights that gives a strange and weird way of solving problems.

For example, there are these things called buy neural beats. They make certain sounds that put you in a certain mood depending on what sound is made. For example things that relax you things that give you focus, things to make you more creative. So if you were teaching someone how to relax more or how to improve your life?

You had some kind of self help course you could purchase these special audios and tack them on as bonus offer and this can apply to any kind of training. So I hope that gave you a few ideas on how to use resale rights to pad an existing membership. Purchase rights for training you don’t feel like doing, for the big picture or newbie training or even training that reinforced the things you teach but in strange and unusual ways.

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