Should I use an autoresponder built into membership software or use my own autoresponder?

Most membership software wants to give you all the features you need to successfully run a membership site. For almost everyone, this includes an email autoresponder, the ability to send an email to your entire membership with one click. But just like with any feature, there’s good and bad things for that. The biggest problem is that you’re not sure if you’re going to ever use a different membership software. You’re not sure if the membership site is going to exist forever and you still want to have those opt-in leads.
So, what do you do? Do you use the autoresponder built into your membership software or do you use your own? How do you decide and how do you even accomplish such a thing?

I want you to have a separate membership software and email autoresponder. They are two separate things – because you’ll never know if you have to use a different autoresponder service, you’ll never know if you want to be able to log into one place and send one message to everybody who’s bought from you, everybody who’s opted in for a free gift, and everybody who has been in the membership site with you.

So, I definitely recommend you use the AWeber autoresponder, that is not my autoresponder, but I want you to have it separate from the membership site. This way, your subscriber list is not stuck inside your membership site. So for now, go to AWeber and you’ll never know if you have to move – if you have to move autoresponders, if you have to change membership software – but at least you have the list and at least it is in one location, so you can log in and blast to all the lists.

One other thing I like is that you can take advantage of the advanced features in autoresponders such as AWeber including the name personalization, including the ability to schedule messages in the future, including the ability to schedule follow-up messages. A follow-up message is somebody gets on the list and you have autoresponder emails that are going to be sent on day 2, day 3, day 5, day 10. So that way, you can line up your autoresponder content with the actual content on your blog. So, you know that if somebody joins your site and they get a certain post 7 days in, then guess what – you can schedule an email to be sent out on day 7 after joining that list, so they will automatically get an email notification telling them to log in the blog and check out your newest edition to the membership site. So, have your autoresponder list separate from your membership site. Luckily, most modern autoresponder software accomplishes this including Wishlist member.

Robert Plank is the creator of several profitable Wishlist membership sites, and he wants to show you how to duplicate his success.

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