What are some real quick and easy membership site pointers?

If you are stuck creating your first membership site or your member site isn’t going the way you would have hoped. Maybe you need some course correction, if that is the case then I am the guy you need to listen to and fix a few things in your membership site.

What should you fix?

First of all don’t announce something until you have it ready. Schedule before and after posts, and get 2 new members for everyone 1 member you lose, what does it mean to only announce something if you have it ready?

Think about a company like Microsoft®, they will announce the next version of Windows® 2 or 3 years before it will ready. At that point they have barely worked on it at all and then what happens is, they are not very clear about, what new things are going to be in that version of Windows ® because they have not created it yet. They end up changing the name and pushing the date back, this is important you might have seen internet marketeers launch products and keep pushing the launch date back further and further. The reason for this is because they don’t have the product ready yet. Have your product ready first and then start promoting it, you are going to have the first version of your products ready. Start promoting it and then add additions to it later on but definitely only announce something if you could it launch it tomorrow if you had to this avoids you spending all your time and all your energy on the promotion and then have nothing to show for it. This way you have something to show and it will launch on time no matter what, next schedule before and after polls. What are before and after posts?

If you post some kind of new video for your site, tell people on day 4 what the video will be about or what they need to know before seeing the video? Or even what kind of question they should have in mind for example if you are telling somebody in a video about why it is important to have an affiliate program the day before ask them, do you have an affiliate program? If you had an affiliate program

What would be the offer?
What would be your commission?
What would be the recurring commission?

This way they are prepared when the real concept comes online and finally you are always going to have dropouts in your membership site. It is just going to happen, when you lose one member figure out how we are doing to get 2 more members. When you see one person drop think about it.
Are you going to send a new email?
Are you going to conduct a new guest interview?
Are we going to buy ad space?
How are you going to replace not just member dropping out of your membership site but get a brand new second member as well?

Those are my quick membership site pointers for you only announce something if it is somewhat ready if you could launch it tomorrow if we have to schedule before and after posts, for important conferences, so you prepare for the post and they could review that post and get 2 new members for every one member you lose.

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