Where should I look for membership PLR and how much should I pay?

A great business model is to buy up the rights and that means the resale rights or master resale rights or even private label rights of products then put them in your own membership site and sell access to that membership site sometimes passing along the rights to those products. It sounds like a great idea but where do you go looking for resale materials how much should you pay and how do you justify that kind of payment.

Look for resale rights on sites such as master – resale – rights dot com or on trade bit dot com I do not own those sites. Those are my two go to sources to acquire new resale rights go to those sites allow a search based on keyword browse by category and see exactly what you are getting to find out if you are getting audio in a mp3 format or wave or long audios are so on. It is the same deal with video or even reading material you will find out if you are getting a pdf or word document or text files whatever the over looked source of PLR is Google all you have to do is type in your niche keyword and term PLR and usually the results would show up the more specific you can make your search better and I use service called Google alerts that sends me an email when it finds new page matching these keywords for example I have a Google alerts setup for the term WordPress PLR so if anybody hosts a blog post or a webpage or a sales letter that contains the words WordPress and PLR I will be notified and usually that is something I might want to buy. Now that you know where to find PLR. How much you pay preferably I want pay $20 or higher we will have copies of these products. If you find a resale rights item for a dollar it is probably not going to be very good and you are going to have a lot of competition so pay $20 or high for little rights. Because I have paid as much as $600 for some hard to find an exclusive resale rights, it is okay to pay a little bit more than you would expect because you can figure it out later. You can write it off against, you only need to sell a certain number of copies of that product to make your money back. For example if you spend a $100 to rights to you your $20 ebook make 5 sales and you brought me in on top of that. If you buy let us say rights to a video training course that is 3 hours long and only costs you $20 you have paid $20 to save yourself 3 hours the time it would have taken you for those videos.

So think of investing of PLR in that way that you can write it off against your business. You only need a certain number of sales and it saves you a set number of hours. It may make deep contact yourself when looking for PLR look on trade bits and Google alerts to get new source so PLR when purchasing these rights pay $20 or higher especially for video training if you can get away with it and think of it in terms of how many sales do you need to get your money back.

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