Why don’t people want to join my membership site?

Let us say you have a membership site established where you are having a real difficult time getting people to join that site.

What is the reason?

It could be a number of things but the reason is probably because of lack of credibility, lack of proof and lack of details. If I read the sales letter promoting your membership site and I don’t know who you are or why to listen to you.

What is the point if I don’t see your name?
If I don’t see your picture and you don’t tell me why you are so important and why your information is so important?

Then what is the point, so at the very least have your name and photo on your membership site and in your introduction explain.

Why you are the authority on what ever solution you are presenting?

While you are doing that also present proof, it is one thing for you to tell me why I should listen to you. Now prove it. Show me testimonials from other happy customers about what your service or your membership site did for them and show the full name and full URL of each person. Show that person’s picture explain more detailed case studies about how some particular person who is real joined your site, got some problem solved and what was the outcome of that? Have proof and have case studies, and finally be specific about your service. It is the worst thing ever to read a sales letter and not know what it is about. Tell me why your membership site is so great, tell me why it is better than somebody else’s membership site. Tell me why I should join right now instead of waiting a week or two get excited yourself and get me excited to all the details and all the golden nuggets I am going to uncover inside your membership site.

Apply those 3 things credibility, proof and details to your membership site sales letter and see if that boosts response. Find out how to market your membership site, find out how to create content, find out how to set up your membership site with all the right plugins and get a flood of members.
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