Why should I create a fixed term membership site?

If you are thinking about creating about a membership site and you definitely should, I think membership site should be a fixed term membership site. Meaning that the membership has an end date.

Why would you do this?
Because it requires less set and maintenance the content ends up being a lot better and it is a system you can tweak between your delivery and your sales letter. When you create a fixed term membership site there is a lot less setup. All you need is 6 months or so of content schedule it out rearrange stuff and then it is done. You will have to do a lot in terms of updating that content once it has already been established. Your membership site would have a very definite content generation stage and once that is done. You can just do 100% marketing of that membership site, it also keeps the content very new and fresh because you are not trying to grasp a straw and not always think of something new every month you have a 6 month training course there is a very clear beginning and end. You could very easily cut up each of those 6 months into the 6 lessons and give somebody the basic lessons first and the more advanced lessons later. In a regular membership site it is not very clear if you want to give advanced stuff first or in what order things should be what happens if someone joins late. it is a mess but with a fixed term site it is like a university course. You start up with the introductory stuff get into the advanced stuff and then they graduate more over if someone is almost finished with the site, they have a lot more reason to stay because they are almost having almost finished that course.

And finally it is easily to tweak later on, when you have all this content scheduled and you want to have a new video you can figure out exactly where in this sequence to place it. In an old style membership site you might just put it at the end and your content, your training will not necessarily follow a particular order but now it does. If you want to move things around and make come after another make the membership site last 12 months or 6 weeks you can easily delete change that and when you advertise the site. When write the sales letter and you layout the lessons you can very easily layout in month 1 you this, month 2 you get that and so on.

So you definitely should create a fixed term membership site because it requires less setup and maintenance the content is better and it is something fairly easy for you to tweak and in the future. Setup a fixed term membership site using free membership software right now.

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